MCC invited to provide training in the onshore regulatory regime for Introduction to Decommissioning course in Perth- November 2023

In November 2023 Rean Gilbert, General Manager MCC Sustainable Futures was invited to be a speaker at the ‘Introduction to Decommissioning Course’. The course provides a series of in person lecturers, delivered over two days to gain a deeper understanding of the Australian oil and gas decommissioning industry. Rean Gilbert provided a lecture on: “Onshore Regulatory Regime” which provided students with an understanding of the role of state regulators and key regulation for relevant onshore oil and gas decommissioning.
Introduction to Decommissioning – Nov 2023 – CODA
MCC is a member of Centre of Decommissioning Australia (CODA) and as such is in a perfect position to assist with all your decommissioning projects. CODA is an independent initiative working with industry, government and the community to create a collaborative and sustainable approach to decommissioning Australia’s aging oil and gas infrastructure.

Stay tuned as MCC Sustainable Futures partners with Atteris to present at the Decommissioning & Abandonment (D&A) 2024 Australia conference in June 2024 in Perth. Lucy Muir (Manager Environment MCC Sustainable Futures) and Allison Selman (Asset Lifecycle Business Manager Atteris) will jointly present “Potential Environmental Impacts of the Degradation of Infrastructure in Offshore Marine Environments” which will focus on the importance of material selection and inventory at concept selection phase and the avenues for validation of the assumptions through sampling on subsea pipelines and lessons learnt from degradation studies.